Toddler Boy Easter Outfits – Classic Boy Easter Outfits and Hipster Boy Easter Outfits

Toddler Boy Easter Outfits

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Happy Easter!

Spring is finally here!ย One of my favorite things about Spring is celebrating Easter with my family. Our usual Easter meal is ham, cheesy potatoes, corn, and rolls. Mmm, just typing that makes me hungry! Of course, we also do an egg hunt (or 20) and eat lots of yummy desserts. Mostly Reese’s eggs, if I’m honest.

For 2017, Easter is on April 16. With less than a month to go until the big day, I’m trying to decide on my little man’s Easter attire. I put together two different inspiration boards for toddler boy Easter outfits – one classic and one hipster. I generally gravitate toward a more hipster style for toddler boy clothes, but I also can’t resist a little guy all dressed up in a bow tie! Maybe I’ll just have to get Colton one outfit from each category. That’s the only reasonable answer, right? Or at least that’s what I’m going to tell my husband.

Toddler Boy Easter Outfits – Classic

Toddler Boy Easter Outfits

(From left to right, top to bottom)

  1. Chambray Short Set:ย I love the adorable details on this entire outfit! This set comes with a dress shirt, bow tie, and shorts with suspenders. Perfect for a tiny gentleman!
  2. White Dress Socks: No classic toddler boy Easter outfit is complete without knee-high dress socks.
  3. Belts: This set of 3 belts in black, khaki, and navy will put the perfect finishing touch on a traditional Easter look.
  4. Boat Shoes: These are my absolute favorite type of shoes for a toddler spring look. They’re dressy enough for church, yet casual enough to be worn daily.
  5. Smocked Bobbie Suit: It doesn’t get any more classic (or southern!) than smocking. These type of outfits always remind me of Prince George, which is a good thing!
  6. Tan Textured Suit: A suit is a great option in a cooler climate. I love the youthful vibe of this set’s shirt and tie.
  7. Fedora: Keep the sun out of his eyes and add some flair to his outfit with a fun hat.
  8. Suspenders: Does it get any cuter than a little man in suspenders?
  9. Plaid Bow Tie: The bow tie is the exclamation point for a perfect toddler boy Easter outfit.
  10. Seersucker Bunny Tee: Classic seersucker print combined with a comfortable t-shirt is a win-win.

Toddler Boy Easter Outfits – Hipster

Toddler Boy Easter Outfits

(From left to right, top to bottom)

  1. Monogram Bunny Tee: The monogram gives a nod to the traditional Easter style, while the bright colors keep this tee fresh and modern.
  2. Easter Train Tee: My 2-year-old boy loves “choo-choos.” I know he’s not the only one!
  3. Black Harem Shorts: Modern shorts pair perfectly with these tees, plus they can be worn long after the holiday is over.
  4. #Easter Tee: A millennialย take on Easter traditions.
  5. Blue & Black Converse: This bright blue color is perfect for spring. Converse are some of my favorite toddler boy shoes!
  6. Rockstar Egg Tee: Future Rockstar, Current Egg Hunter.
  7. Striped Shorties: These shorties will keep your toddler cool, plus show off those baby leg rolls. They also come in black, grey, and pink stripes.
  8. Dinosaur Bunny Tee: For the dino-loving little guy in your life.
  9. Sunglasses: The colors on these sunnies scream springtime!
  10. Chicks Dig Me Tee: This tee was made for a little ladies man.
  11. Hip Hop Bunny Tee: I’m not like a regular bunny, I’m a cool bunny.

Toddler Boy Easter Outfits

Pin the classic toddler boy Easter outfits for future shopping!

Toddler Boy Easter Outfits

Pin the hipster toddler boy Easter outfits for future shopping!

If you missed it, check out my favorite St. Patrick’s Day outfits for toddler boys, too.

What style do you prefer, classic or hipster? What will your kids be wearing this Easter?

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    1. I agree, Elizabeth! My son has Easter outfits in both styles. Kids are so much fun to dress!

  1. Great list of outfits. We just started the shopping process for this year. It gets more expensive each year ha

    1. So true, Ryan! Hope you found some great outfits!

  2. Such cute attire! I like to see kids in an assortment of clothing…. they look cute in any style!

    1. I totally agree, Fatima! Can’t go wrong with either style!

  3. Ohh, so cute. I love the first look, but would add the trainers and glasses from the second look!

    1. That’s a great idea, Amanda! Mix and match!

  4. How adorable! I have 2 great grandsons, 2 1/2 years and the other is six months. You have given my some great ideas for them. I love the first collection, like a miniature little man! LOL

    1. I love little boys dressed like tiny gentlemen! So cute!

  5. Happy spring and happy Easter in advance. So many outfits to choose from for your little man I’m sure which ever you choose would be adorable. Can’t wait to start my own family to have my own Easter egg hunt ๐Ÿ˜‰

    1. Holidays are so much fun with kids! Although there is definitely something to be said for not having the stress of preparing everything, too! Haha ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. I hope you enjoy your family visit, Tayler! Family is the most important thing. There will be plenty of excuses for new clothes later ๐Ÿ˜‰

    1. I love seeing the baby boys dressed up as little men! My son actually doesn’t have any suspenders. I need to change that!

  6. I love dressing my little guy up for any occasion. These outfit ideas for the spring are awesome.

    1. Thank you, Ant! Kids are so fun to dress up, aren’t they?

    1. Thank you, Brandy! Hope you enjoy your blogging adventure!

    1. That’s one of my favorites too, Amila!

  7. Misty Kroeze says:

    These are so adorably cute!

    1. Thanks so much, Misty! ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Stephenie - Blended Life Happy Wife says:

    This is a cute list of little boys outfits for Easter. Any little boy dressed like this is going to look very dapper. Thank you for linking this post to the #allformamas link party. It will be a very helpful list for any Mom looking for a great outfit for Easter. I will be pinning and adding this post to Facebook

    1. Thank you, Stephenie! Glad you enjoyed the ideas. I appreciate the shares!

  9. These are so cute! Ever since I had a baby boy, I’ve learned how many darling outfits are out there for little guys. <3

    1. Me too, Katie! I have a lot of fun dressing my little man.

  10. Children’s clothing has always been the cutest. How you categorized the Easter outfits by personality was genius!

    1. Aww, thank you! Glad you enjoyed the post, J!

  11. I’m a classic girl myself. My son will be wearing the cutest mint green polo shirt and khakis. He had an adorable bow tie last year. My daughter has this beautiful white and floral dress with a pink cardigan. Ah I love Easter outfits!

    1. Both of those outfits sound adorable, Caitlin! I love Easter outfits too!

    1. Thank you, Shannon! Glad you enjoyed them!

  12. Aww love the styling you made! Children only need classic clothing, I love seeing children in these styles. I am excited for Easter!

    1. Hope you have a great Easter! Thank you for the compliments!

  13. My grandson would look super cute in either style! Thanks for putting them together and sharing with us at Creatively Crafty #ccbg ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. I’m sure he will look adorable no matter what, Lydia! Thank you so much!

    1. Thank you so much, Jasmine! Glad you enjoyed them!

  14. Those are some lovely suggestions. Generally boys don’t have much of a choice. Finding an outfit with a difference is certainly difficult. Thanks to u!

    1. It can be difficult to find cute boys clothes, for sure. I was at a little shop the other day that had a display of Easter outfits and it was about 8-10 different options for girls and only 2 for the boys!

  15. I’m glad I ran across this post on the Mommy Moments link up. These are great ideas for my little one!

    1. Thank you so much, Kristy! Hope you were able to find a great outfit!

    1. I love little guy suspenders! My guy doesn’t have any yet, unfortunately. I need to get on that!

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed the post, Lisa! I love all the options too. It’s so hard to decide!

  16. So cute! I love the little braces and bow tie! #twinklytuesday

    1. Thank you, Kiri! Can’t go wrong with a little guy in a bow tie!

  17. Aww, loved this! Reminded me of when my guys were little. Thanks for linking up!

    1. Thank you so much, Jennie! ๐Ÿ™‚

  18. These are so cute. Any of them would work so well. We don’t really do anything special dressing wise for easter! Thanks for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday

    1. That might be smart, Lisa! At least you don’t have to worry about a nice new outfit getting ruined in one day! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  19. Super cute ideas! I’ve never done an Easter outfit, but now you’ve got my juices flowing!

    1. I hope you are able to find an outfit you love, Hannah!

  20. I’m a sucker for little boys dress like old professors, bring on the sweater vests and bow ties !!

    1. Me too, Amy! My son sported a sweater vest for this year’s Easter bunny photo. No shame! ๐Ÿ™‚

  21. I totally need to get that dinosaur shirt for my one-year-old. Thanks so much for sharing at the #happynowlinkup!

    1. Kids love dinosaurs! Thanks, Leslie!

  22. Theresa Venible says:

    Hi, the Toddler Boy Easter Outfits article it is well written and is very useful.

    Your baby is wonderful!! ๐Ÿ™‚ Kiss you All!

  23. Oh, it is cuteness overload! I think Easter has always been my favorite holiday for dressing up my boys! There is something about little boys in pastels and gingham that tugs my heart strings. Thanks for sharing and linking up.


  24. Thanks so much for the post.Much thanks again. Really Cool.

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