Maternity Workout Clothes from Mumberry

Maternity Workout Clothes

Right now, I’m 20 weeks pregnant with my second child. Baby is officially halfway done (and so am I)!Β At this stage in pregnancy, I’m basically living in maternity clothes. With my first baby, I really struggled to find cute maternity workout clothes. I usually ended up wearing a baggy t-shirt and shorts whenever I wanted to exercise. Not the most stylish look. This time around, I was determined to find some maternity workout clothes that were fashionable enough to wear outside of the house!

Enter Mumberry. This mom-owned company specializes in pregnancy activewear. Their collection includes tanks, tees, and leggings made of high-quality technical fabrics. And, best of all, the pieces are fashionable!

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Maternity Workout Clothes

I’m wearing the Mumberry Dynamic Maternity Tee in Coral. I fell in love with the fun color of the shirt when I saw it online. Once I received it, I immediately loved the great quality of the fabric. The tee feels luxurious and well-designed.

You can use Mumberry coupon code TRICIA20 to save 20% off any purchase at!

Maternity Workout Clothes

One of the features that sets Mumberry’s collection apart from other maternity workout clothes is their patent-pending Mumband. The Mumband is made up of two pieces: a compression fabric that covers your growing bump and a strong elastic band that sits under your belly. The Mumband reallyΒ helps support my back and bump, especially while working out.

Maternity Workout Clothes

Or while chasing a 2-year-old, which is a workout in itself. This little guy goes non-stop all day, every day! He keeps me on my toes, that’s for sure. I so wish I had the energy level of a 2-year-old boy. I can’t even imagine everything I could accomplish!

Maternity Workout Clothes

I haven’t shared about Colton’s birth yet on the blog, but it was a fairly traumatic delivery that ended in a c-section. I’m trying for a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean) with this baby. One of the most common recommendations I’ve read in my VBAC research is to stay active during pregnancy. So, I’m really focusing on trying to keep moving… even on days when I don’t want to. Which is most days!

[Update: I got my VBAC! Click here to read my VBAC success story!]

Maternity Workout Clothes

This little guy helps keep me active, too. He loves playing outdoors, going on walks, and even having me chase him while he runs circles around our house.

Maternity Workout Clothes

Isn’t the color of this topΒ just perfect for spring and summer? This whole summer pregnancy thing is new to me. Colton was born in January, so I barely had a bump at all over the summer. I am glad that the timing of this pregnancy will allow me to be outside and stay active towards the end. I do most of my workouts outdoors, since my indoor workout space is in our unfinished basement, which is not exactly the most motivatingΒ space!Β My favorite pregnancy workout is a simple brisk walk outside with Colton in his stroller. I turn on my Prime Musicir?t=mamabops05 20&l=pf4&o=1 and we enjoy listening to music while breaking a sweat. Well, at least I break a sweat. He gets to lay back and eat snacks! Not fair.

Maternity Workout Clothes

Is there anything better than a hug from your little man? He makes my heart so full.

Maternity Workout Clothes

Maternity Workout Clothes

Now that my bump is large enough to actually qualify as a bump, I love showing it off! This is my favorite stage of pregnancy. I have a real bump, but it’s not so large that I am uncomfortable all of the time. Yet.

Outfit Details:Β My Shirt – MumberryΒ [use Mumberry promo code TRICIA20 to save 20% at!] / My Leggings – Lululemon / My Sneakers: Nikeir?t=mamabops05 20&l=am2&o=1&a=B003FJI57I / Colton’s Jacket – Target / Colton’s Boots – Timberlandir?t=mamabops05 20&l=am2&o=1&a=B00F2JDZ5G

Maternity Workout Clothes

Pin this post to shop later!

What are your favorite types of maternity workout clothes? What exercises kept you in shape during pregnancy?Β 

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  1. I wish I would have known about this while I was pregnant- workout gear was always hard to find. I’ll keep in mind for next time πŸ™‚

    1. Thank you, Holly! Cute maternity workout clothes are definitely difficult to find!

  2. I tend to be pretty frugal in general, but my opinion is that cute maternity clothes are one of those things that is worth the money. I felt so ugly when I was pregnant.

    1. I completely understand, Laura. It can be difficult to feel beautiful when your body is changing so much so quickly. I’m glad there are some cuter options out there for maternity clothes now!

  3. Oh how cute! I never even would have thought about this.

    1. I didn’t have many workout clothes during my first pregnancy, so I guess I didn’t really think about it then, either. I’m glad to have the options now!

  4. I love these!! I’m not pregnant but I’m sure if I was, I would totally buy these clothes… and wear them all the time!

    1. Thank you, Kristine! That is really sweet πŸ™‚

  5. Pregnancy is the best excuse to wear stretchy clothes every day, lol. I love these. Very cute and functional!

    1. I totally agree, Elizabeth! I don’t have to feel bad about wearing leggings on a daily basis while I am pregnant!

    1. Thank you, Melissa! They are definitely cute and comfy! πŸ™‚

  6. This is great! I also struggled to find cute workout clothes during my pregnancy and ended up just wearing maternity leggings and super stretchy t-shirts.

    1. I love maternity leggings! I wear them just about every day. It’s a rare occasion when I bust out the jeans πŸ˜‰

  7. These I cute! I don’t plan on being pregnant anymore but if I were, I would love maternity workout clothes!

    1. I didn’t have hardly any workout clothes during my first pregnancy. I’m so glad there are options like this out there now!

  8. Ooh…thanks for sharing! I’ll have to check out Mumberry. It’s so hard to find cute maternity work out clothes that fit right. Also, I love that coral color on you!

    1. Thank you, Kaycee! I’m very happy with the fit on this top. You are right, some maternity clothes fit so strangely!

    1. Thank you, Vicki! I’m very impressed with it! I think I’ve worn this shirt about 5 times since I got it. Haha πŸ™‚

  9. Vicky Kinmond says:

    Very stylish. I like how the two of you match in the photos, with the coral in his little jacket. Super cute!

    1. I was wondering if anyone would notice that! I don’t get to match him very often, so I think it’s kind of cute when we can. He usually likes to pick out his own clothes, though!

    1. Aww, thank you! That is so sweet, Abbey!

  10. These are very cute pictures of yourself and your two year old. The colors do look really good on you.

    1. Thank you, David! I really like the color on this top!

  11. Love these maternity clothes, wish they would have had this cute stuff when I was pregnant with my boys, 18, 16 and 10 yrs ago. BTW, your little boy is the cutest thing!!

    1. Maternity clothes have come so far! I am over most of the items I bought for my first pregnancy, and that was just in 2014. Even then, most of the items I had were baggy shirts, which aren’t very flattering on anyone… pregnant or not! I feel like designers have started to figure that out over the past couple of years. πŸ˜‰

  12. Sorry I forgot to add that my Colton’s bday was in January as well.. πŸ™‚

    1. That’s crazy! We have a lot in common! πŸ™‚

  13. So cute!! And I love your little. He is so adorable! I also love how you did your hair and makeup. Get it girl.

    1. Thank you so much, Carlie! That is so kind. With a 2-year-old, I don’t have a lot of time for hair or makeup most days! Usually only on the weekends when my husband can watch our son while I get ready. I didn’t realize what a luxury primping was until I had a little one πŸ™‚

  14. I wish I would have known about this a few months ago, my sister would have had a field day! Awesome to know for the future!

    1. Thank you, Jade! Now you’ll know for next time! πŸ™‚ By the way, I absolutely love your name. It is gorgeous!

  15. CUTE!!! I never heard of this brand before. I am a total gym rat AND 29 weeks pregnant with baby boy #3. . i normally just head to old navy or h&m maternity for my workout clothes because they’re cheap. I had to stop running at 28 weeks because my bump was getting too large to keep going!
    I wanted a VBAC with my 2nd son too – I was squatting heavy, lifting lots of weight, and walking 3 miles a day buuuuut come 39 weeks, I wasn’t even 50% effaced OR dilated and they had to do another C Section with me.
    My favorite exercises are walking with my toddler in the stroller and my older son riding his bike, spin class, prenatal yoga, and when I do lift – i lift low weight but super high reps. Like 5lb bicep curls at 150 reps, I love that burn!

    1. Congrats on your pregnancy, Justine! Hope everything is going well for you. I’m sorry to hear that you didn’t get your VBAC with your second son. Are you going to try for a VBA2C this time around or do a scheduled c-section? It is such a difficult decision. It sounds like you are doing a great job keeping active and I really admire you for that. I feel good if I get a walk in! Haha. Good work, mama!

    1. Definitely cute and comfy! Thank you, Elizabeth!

  16. OMG! I would have LIVED in these when I was pregnant if I knew about them! I did Gap Maternity workout clothes and they were not supportive enough at all. I love the idea of the mumband. Thanks for sharing!

    1. I’ve pretty much been living in them! I think I’ve worn this shirt about 5 times since I got it. Haha. I haven’t tried any of Gap’s maternity workout clothes, but I had a couple of their non-workout maternity pieces during my first pregnancy and wasn’t too impressed. I didn’t think anything from there was very flattering to a pregnant body.

  17. That color is gorgeous on you! I’m 14wks pregnant with my second and last time I think I lived in pjs until I got too big for them and then it was either maxi dresses or leggings with husband’s shirts lol. This time I’m working outside the home and chasing a 2-year-old on the weekends so I NEED cute clothes that actually fit. Did you find the under the belly band itchy at all? I’ll have to check them out!

    1. Congrats on your second pregnancy, Sarah! That is great news! I didn’t think the Mumband was itchy. I normally wear this shirt with non-maternity leggings (like the ones in these pictures), but the band is still low enough that it actually touches the leggings, not my belly itself. Hopefully that makes sense. Good luck with your pregnancy!!

  18. You look gorgeous! I bookmarked this for future reference. πŸ˜‰

    1. Aww, thank you! That is so sweet, Diana. πŸ™‚

  19. You little boy is so cute! πŸ˜€
    I believe that the clothes do really support your back. Hope everything goes well with you. And hey Tricia, the color looks good on you. πŸ™‚

    1. Thank you so much, Tracy! I really like the bump and back support of the Mumband. I can definitely feel a difference when I take this shirt off at the end of the day!

  20. LOVE the color of that top. I wish I had been aware of more work out options when I was pregnant. It was definitely something I missed.

    1. Thank you, Kassi! I wasn’t very good at staying active during my first pregnancy. Hoping to do better this time!

  21. That’s such a cute workout outfit. Love the bright colour.
    Much love

    1. Thank you very much! I think the color is perfect for spring!

  22. You look great! I will definitely have to check out this site whenever I end up having another little one. I also had a C-section with my first and will try for a VBAC with any subsequent babies. Thanks for this review!

    1. Thanks so much, Melody! I hope you’re able to get your VBAC whenever you are ready! πŸ™‚

  23. I love the color of that top! Like many of the others have said I wish I would have known about this when I was pregnant! The support from Mumband would have helped me a lot!

    1. I wish I would’ve known about Mumberry during my first pregnancy! I’m just glad I found them this time around. πŸ™‚ Thank you, Kayla!

  24. I needed this when I was pregnant! I worked out in baggy t-shirts and pajama pants! This stuff is super cute.

    1. That’s what I wore a lot of during my first pregnancy! I’m trying to up my fashion game this time around. πŸ˜‰ Thank you, Kate!

    1. Thank you, Summer! Gotta love a comfy outfit, especially during pregnancy!

  25. Looks great. Congrats on your pregnancy – I hit 20 weeks this week too with my second child, it’s hard work!! #twinklytuesday

    1. Thank you, Sarah! Congrats on your pregnancy! Hope you have an easy delivery!

  26. Ahh gorgeous photos, you look amazing and that colour is so lovely and vibrant! I don’t work out when I’m not pregnant, let alone when I was pregnant, so I admire anyone who does! #twinklytuesday

    1. I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not the greatest at staying active! Some days, my only workout is getting out of bed. Haha πŸ™‚

    1. That is so kind! Thank you!

    1. Thanks so much, Jennifer! I think the color is perfect for spring!

  27. Love this and the color! I’m 34 weeks pregnant right now, and would love to just be able to find something that fits! I’ve never heard of Mumberry, so I’ll definitely check it out!

    1. Thank you so much, Catherine! Congrats on your pregnancy! πŸ™‚

  28. Maternity work out clothes are LIFE. I’m 4 months postpartum and still can’t let go of wearing them- btw, they don’t even fit LOL. You look amazing in them!

    1. Pretty sure I’ll be the same way! I waited an embarassingly long time to let go of the maternity pants after my first pregnancy. πŸ˜‰

  29. I love that colour! You look fab. I was terrible in my second pregnancy and really didn’t exercise! I still managed my vbac though πŸ™‚ Thanks for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday

    1. Thank you, Lisa! Congrats on your VBAC! I’m trying to keep the balance between having a positive attitude and not getting my hopes up too high for my own VBAC success. I love hearing positive stories, though!

  30. Love the color of the top! I miss my maternity clothes, but I don’t think I had anything that cute! You look beautiful, too πŸ™‚

    1. That is so kind, Ashley! Thank you very much!

    1. Thanks so much, Jennie! I agree, this color is just right for spring!

    1. Thank you, Megan! I really hope the VBAC works out, but of course, the most important thing is Baby’s safety. I’m doing everything I can to prepare, though!

  31. Such a great idea! For working out or lounging in.

    1. Totally agree, Kathy! My “yoga” pants see more lounging than they do yoga… πŸ™‚

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