Never-Ending Winter Fashion [Brown Sweater + Ripped Denim]

Brown Sweater and Ripped Denim: We're in the midst of a never-ending winter in Kansas City [ugh, Kansas weather!], so, as a Kansas City fashion blogger, I'm sharing one of my favorite winter fashion looks to get your wardrobe through until spring hits! You can't go wrong with a classic brown v-neck sweater, and the ripped jeans give this outfit a bit of edge. Of course, no mom outfit is complete without a stylish diaper bag!

So I feel a little weird posting about a sweater, jeans, and boots in April. But we have a never-ending winter going on here on Kansas City, so I’m sharing some never-ending winter fashion. I really, really, REALLY hope the weather warms up soon…. until then, enjoy this brown sweater and ripped denim look. And some hot chocolate. And some fires in the fireplace. Can you tell I’m trying really hard to make the best of this never-ending cold?

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